Whether you’re the owner of a spa or an independent esthetician, you face liability risks that need to be covered by a small business insurance policy. Even a minor mistake or slip-up can result in an expensive third-party lawsuit that could prove to be financially devastating.

According to Industry Canada, there were 33,702 hair care and esthetic services spas in Canada in 2019 that each generated more than $154,000 in revenue. Furthermore, 40% of consumers are willing to try new beauty products now than before the pandemic, and an estimated 59% of consumers report spending the same amount or more money on skin care products in 2021, according to CB Insights.

That’s a noteworthy opportunity for estheticians, or skin care therapists, who perform a wide range of skin beautification and cosmetic services including facials, acne treatments, micro-dermabrasions, cosmetics applications, exfoliation, superficial chemical or ‘lunchtime’ peels, body treatments like wraps and scrubs, and waxing and hair removal. Some estheticians also specialize in medical or oncology esthetics, performing skincare treatments in a dermatologists’ office, medical spa, cosmetic surgery clinic, or hospital.

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You work in a field dedicated to helping others look their best. Estheticians typically work in a hair salon, day spa, or medical spa. They pamper their customers and help their skin look brighter, healthier, and more youthful. Regardless of where you practice, getting an esthetician insurance or spa insurance policy is essential, as it’s your safety net if something does go awry and you’re facing a third-party bodily injury or property damage lawsuit.

Tips for Estheticians to Wow Their Clients

Your customers depend on you to make them look beautiful and radiant and create a positive atmosphere so they can relax and enjoy the services you provide. Being a successful esthetician and growing your clientele requires you to be a bit of a chameleon to build a relationship with your clients and gain their trust. Here are some ways to build a loyal customer base:

  • Listen to your customers’ concerns. Actively listen to the questions and concerns your customers have, and what they hope to accomplish with a particular treatment. Be relaxed and informative, and calmly explain each step of a procedure so they know what to expect, as it will put them at ease. Also, ask them about their philosophies or opinions on skin care treatments and the types of products you typically use. It’s also worthwhile to find out if your clients are taking medications or have any allergies, as well as the skin care products they use at home.
  • Encourage clients to take care of their skin. Avoiding direct sunlight and wearing sunscreen daily (throughout the year) is something everyone should do, but not everyone does. Tell your clients to protect their skin by getting into the habit of applying sunscreen to their faces and necks.
  • Steer clear of aggressive face scrubs. The grittier the scrub your client uses, the more likely it will tear their skin. While washing one’s face twice a day is wise, exfoliating with a walnut or apricot scrub can be harmful to one’s skin, especially people with sensitive or dry skin. Encourage them to avoid using them.
  • Don’t pick at pimples and whiteheads. Your clients may be tempted to pick at or pop a pimple or whitehead that appears on their faces. Tell them to avoid doing so. If they pick at it, it could become inflamed or rupture beneath the skin, spreading the bacteria. Encourage them to come to you for skin care treatments that help with or prevent acne.
  • Promote healthy lifestyles. How you look on the outside starts with how you treat your body on the inside. In other words, talk to your customers about the importance of eating healthily on a regular basis, staying hydrated (we should be drinking six to eight glasses of water daily), and exercising regularly.
  • Get a good night’s sleep regularly. One way to ensure your clients continue to look refreshed and energetic comes down to getting an adequate amount of sleep consistently. Advise your customers to ensure they form a healthy sleep pattern and aim to get eight hours of sleep nightly.
  • Keep your work area clean. Ensure your spa or the area where you perform your skin care services is spotless. First impressions are everything. The cleanliness of your facility, the tools you use, as well as your personal appearance means a lot.

Why Esthetician Insurance Matters

In any service industry profession, liability risks come with the territory. The esthetician industry is one that comes with several risks that could prove to be detrimental to your career and financial health if you are sued.

Some of your clients may experience unpleasant side effects from the chemicals or products you use to treat them, for example, they may suffer a waxing burn if they have sensitive skin. Or a client could suffer scarring or damage to their skin because of a laser hair removal burn. In such cases, your client could sue you for bodily injuries, and if they do, the cost of that lawsuit could run into thousands of dollars, force you into bankruptcy, and damage your professional reputation. That’s why protecting yourself with esthetician liability insurance is a smart move. Should something go wrong or an accident occurs in your salon or spa – such as a customer being injured if they trip and fall while entering or exiting your facility.

Speak to a licensed broker about what you do and what your professional risks may be. They can assess your situation, answer questions, and help you get the insurance coverage you need to protect yourself if something goes wrong unexpectedly.

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About the Author: Liam Lahey

Liam is the Content Marketing Manager at Zensurance. A writer and editor for more than 20 years, he has been published in several newspapers and magazines, including Yahoo! Canada Finance, Metroland Media, IT World Canada and others.